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Giving FFA a leaderboard!

Updated: Oct 1, 2020

Hello fellow fraggers, we love playing Quake Champions Deathmatch FFA but were a tad disappointed with the lack of incentive or leaderboards around this mode. FFA is supposed to be brainless fun and giving anyone a chance to win or dish out damage. So why not crank it up a notch and create a leaderboard that promotes carnage, damage and fragging? Ultra Violence ... hell yeah!

How are we measuring?

It's supposed to be a lighthearted fun way of competing against others so we're not going to make things too complex. We measure total damage output, if you would somehow run into a tie then accuracy % is the next rating.

It does not matter which weapons you use, it does not matter which map you play, it does not matter what the opponents skill level is (although they must be pesky humans), we only care about carnage, violence and gibs.

How, what, when??

The rules of the leaderboard are simple : 1. Get in a deathmatch game, any map will do. 2. Get your weapons out, dish out as much damage as you can do within the time/frag limit. 3. Happy with the result? Submit it via the form.

Can I win anything?

The satisfying feeling to be in the top of the leaderboards. Bragging rights. A bigger e-Penis than the rest of them. I'm not sure what more you want ! However, depending on the success we might introduce quarterly seasons on top of the overall leaderboards. Cash/goodie bags prices will be available for the top 3, and we're also exploring custom badges and banners.

For anyone about to complain.

Hey, don't complain - we just provide something fun on top of what you will probably do anyway : playing the game. Keep it fun, help build a community and frag away!

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